Current Scholarships
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- Application
- Date Posted: 2/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must be a current member of Adams County Cattlemen Association for at least 3 years prior.
Preference given to those pursuing Ag-related field.
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must be an Adams County resident OR attending SWV high school.
Preference given to those pursing Conservation, Ag Business, Ag Education, or Wildlife Biology.
- Application
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/25/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail or Email
- Graduate of SWV High School
- Seeking a college degree in art
Additional Criterion:
- Evidence of an interest and talent in art
- High school and community involvement
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/7/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must pursue career in Ag or Safety-related field.
- Date Posted: 2/4/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online Application
Must pursue major in Education or Fine Arts-related field
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Awarded to a student pursuing a 2-year vocational experince after graduating SWV High School. Payable upon second semester enrollment at college.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy into Mrs. Campbell
Awarded to a student pursuing a 2-year vocational experince after graduating SWV High School. Payable upon second semester enrollment at college.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy into Mrs. Campbell
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/25/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Date Posted: 2/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online application
Must pursue a healthcare-related degree.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/9/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online Application
Must pursue a STEM degree or Vocational Trades Program (Includes: Wind Turbine Technician, Powerline Technicians, Electricians, Welding, HVAC, Plumbers/Pipefitters, Diesel Mechanics, Tool-N-Die)
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Email to:
Must major in at least one of the following:
- accounting, administrative assistant, secretarial, mechanical drafting, mechanical or agricultural engineering, auto body, welding, machinist, sales and marketing, farm/auto mechanical, industrial technology, etc.
Has the intention of returning to the Adams County area
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Pursuing a career as Registered Nurse
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy turned into Mrs. Campbell
Must reside in a residence that has services through Coon Valley Telephone company.
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 3/4/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/16/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy turned into Mrs. Campbell
- Application
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/19/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must pursue: Business Administration, Public Administration, Utility Construction and/or Operation, Engineering, OR Field related to Utility Industry.
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 3/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
Must pursue any area of study focusing on fine arts, including, but not limited to: Performance, Education, Therapy, Creation, Composition, Research, Production, Management, etc.
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/3/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Email to:
Must pursue a degree that is Ag-related major.
- Application
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy into Mrs. Campbell
Must live in Taylor County.
Mail To: Taylor County Democrats
C/O Lisa Jensen
201 N Pine St
Lenox, IA 50851
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/3/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail or Email:
Must be a twin, triplet, or higher order multiple
- Rules & Application
- Date Posted: 1/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online Application
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must pursue degree in Nursing or another Medical-related field.
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must be resident of Adams County.
- Application Info
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/31/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
2-year degree = $250
4-year degree = $500
Must pursue an Ag-related Major/focus
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must be pursuing a health-related career.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/23/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail to: Patty Marean 702 W Devoe St Creston, IA 50801 OR Email to Jordan Crawford:
- Application Info
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/31/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Pursuing Ag-related field of study.
Must attach transcript and resume to application as well.
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/7/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must pursue at least one of the following: fire service, fire science, law enforcement, fire protection engineering, fire protection technology or insurance.
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
Must pursue a career in one of the following: fire service, fire science, law enforcement, law, fire protection engineering, fire protection technology, or insurance.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail to: Iowa Chapter IAAI PO Box 65101 West Des Moines, IA 50265
- Date Posted: 3/25/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online Applications
Charlie Purkart Scholarship = $1500
Women's Fairway Scholarship = $1000
The Max Shields, PGA Scholarship = $2000
- Applications
- Date Posted: 11/13/24
- Turn Scholarship In To: Iowa PGA Section 3184 Highway 22 Riverside, IA 52327
Preference given to those majoring in Ag-related field, emphasis on swine industry.
- Date Posted: 2/19/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail OR Email to
Must have lost a parent or legal guardian in their life.
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Email to:
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/23/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail to: Montgomery County Extension & Outreach 1901 N Broadway, Suite A Red Oak, IA 51566
1 Male & 1 Female will be awarded.
Must be in SWV athletics; preference give to a qualified SWV wrestler letter winner.
- Application Info
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 2/3/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
*Please note the date is not correct on the application, but this is the correct application for the Lodge.
Mail to:
Instrution Lodge #275 Ancient Free and Accepted Masons
Secretary C/O Randall Olive
1207 Grove Avenue
Corning, IA 50841-1144
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/9/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail or Take to drop off in person
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must have participated in high school sports.
Must plan on a degree in sport-related fields: athletic administration, coaching, sport management, athletic training, event operations, marketing, media relations, sports journalism, etc...
- Date Posted: 11/22/24
- Turn Scholarship In To: Karon Brown Award Application c/o IGHSAU 5000 Westown Parkway, Ste. 150 West Des Moines, IA 50266
Female athletes only
- Date Posted: 1/9/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Online Application
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper Copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must pursue a degree that is Ag-related
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must be attending ISU
- Application Info
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/31/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Plans to major in Nursing or Technical Education
- Application Info
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/31/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Intentions to major in Education.
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/7/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must reside in a household that subscribes to MTC services.
- Date Posted: 3/3/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
Must pursue field of Education - Teacher.
Preference to those attending NW Missouri State.
- Application
- Date Posted: 3/7/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must reside in Mills or Montgomery county.
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/25/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/23/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail to: Montgomery County Extension & Outreach 1901 N Broadway St. Suite A Red Oak, IA 51566
Must live in Montgomery County OR have a parent/guardian/grandparent working at MCMH & Clinics.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail to MCMH
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Must reside in Page County and be a member of the Page County Cattlemen's Assocation.
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/19/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
Must reside in Montgomery County.
Must have a history of active involvement in: athletics, music, drama, art, or work experience.
- Application Info
- Date Posted: 2/18/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Plan to attend an in-state college or university during the 2025-26 academic year.
- Date Posted: 3/25/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail
Must pursue a degree in health-related field.
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/11/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail or Email
For kids whose parents were killed or seriously injured in workplace accidents for Iowa or Minnesota employers.
- Date Posted: 12/3/24
- Turn Scholarship In To: SFM Foundation PO Box 9447 Minneapolis, MN 55440-9447 OR Fax #952-838-2009
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/27/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Pursue a degree in Education or Business.
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Paper copy turned into Mrs. Campbell
Must be FFA member at SWV high school.
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/3/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
- Application Info
- Application
- Date Posted: 2/14/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Mail OR Email to:
Must pursue a science-related major.
- Application
- Guidelines
- Date Posted: 1/29/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy to Mrs. Campbell
Intend to major in a Business-related field.
- Application
- Date Posted: 1/17/25
- Turn Scholarship In To: Turn paper copy into Mrs. Campbell