Superintendent's Message for August 2018

Dear Parents, Guardians, Students, and Stakeholders of the Southwest Valley School District,

The 2018-2019 school year is ready to start, and I am excited to begin the year as the new Superintendent. My name is Chris Fenster, and I am proud to begin my 22nd year in education at Southwest Valley Schools. Our district is a very strong one in southwest Iowa, and my goal is to make it a “Destination District!”

As we move forward as a district, my challenge to all stakeholders is to encourage each of you to discover new roles and become a bigger part of SWV schools.  There are many avenues for you to connect with the district, such as being a member of the PTO, the Fine Arts and Athletic Booster clubs, volunteering, mentoring, and so many other opportunities. I also challenge you to tell your SW Valley story to others. Why do you live in the district? What makes you proud of our district? We will focus on this with staff and students this year—telling their stories. We have an awesome district, and we need to let others know of the great things here and have them join us!   Be a part of #twolvesterritory!

We are launching a new website on Monday, August 20th, and it should be very easy to navigate with more options and easier access. We are very excited to showcase this to our stakeholders as well as visiting families who might be interested in becoming members of the Villisca and Corning communities.  Our hope is that one tab will guide visitors to links to local businesses and venues, so our website can be a one-stop shop on the information superhighway.

Finally, my personal and professional goal is to communicate effectively and efficiently with the stakeholders.  I will be writing this blog spot monthly, and I will be on Twitter at #SWVSupt18.  Follow me as I venture into the classrooms and activities at SW Valley.  I will also be out in the district as much as possible and would love to tell you my SW Valley Story!

Chris Fenster, ED. S

©2025 Southwest Valley Schools