Superintendent's Message for March 2023

March has arrived!  Many exciting things are happening at Southwest Valley Schools this month.  

Our bond referendum vote is on Tuesday, March 7th to fund new learning classrooms for our elementary students and remodel other areas of the elementary to house our Early Childhood Education Center.  We have seen a tremendous impact with our ECEC West Campus located in the Enarson Elementary building.  ECEC West Campus is nearing capacity and has provided a convenient benefit for parents while they work.  We will update our facilities with ADA-compliant restrooms and playground equipment.  The referendum will also fund the renovation of our baseball and softball fields.  This update will include the press box, fencing, bleachers, and an ADA-compliant path to allow people easier access to the fields.  If the referendum passes, we will begin the process this summer with bids and plans to break ground next spring and summer.   

The spring musical is scheduled for March 10th and 11th with the production of “Guys and Dolls”.  The renovation at the auditorium is almost complete, but unfortunately, we could not finish the entire sound system installation before the musical.  The curtains, new soundboards, carpet, and lights are all in the auditorium and look great!  We cannot wait to see the musical!  

The week of March 13th-17th will be our spring break and this is the first time we have tried this at SWV during my tenure.  The calendar committee made this recommendation last year and we are excited to offer this break for our students before we make the last push to the end of the school year. 

The spring sports season has started.  The SWV track programs began in late February and golf and tennis will start on March 13th.  The junior high season will begin on March 27th.  
The High School National Honor Society induction of new members will be on March 21st at 7:00 p.m.  The high school science department will host their annual Science Fair on March 23rd at 5:00 p.m. in the Activity Center.
There are many exciting activities for you to get involved with at school and support our students.  Have a great month of March, and as always, it is a great day to be T-Wolf! 

©2025 Southwest Valley Schools