Superintendent's Message for January 2020

Happy New Year and New Decade!  Southwest Valley Community School District has reached a new decade and is moving our school district to a new level in 2020!  2019 was a very busy and successful year for our districts.  We began the process of combining two great schools together to make one powerful school!

Looking back on the past year and reflecting on the great things we accomplished as a district is very amazing.  In the spring, the Villisca community answered the district’s facility need and passed a $6,000,000 bond referendum with 93% approval.  A state record!  The Corning school board and Villisca school board approved the resolution to study reorganization and began the process of bringing all operations together to strengthen our district.  This is a three-year process.  The public vote to reorganize will be in 2021.  We will conduct informational meetings prior to the public vote.  I want to stress that this is not a consolidation.  We are not closing any buildings. 

The Corning School Board approved the demolition of the old middle school building to make room for a new state of the art greenhouse and a maintenance shed.  The greenhouse has created a very positive option for our students to study in a temperature-controlled atmosphere.  The maintenance staff now has adequate storage and better access for all equipment in one building.  We also painted the agriculture-learning center building on the high school campus.

In 2019, we welcomed new staff, including two new administrators at Enarson Elementary and SWV High School.  In 2020, we welcome a new face at the SWV Middle School principal position.  We are excited for this new opportunity at #twolvesterritory!  We have also had the great pleasure to collaborate with the Adams County Sheriff’s Department to bring a school resource officer to the high school.  Officer Dalton Green has made positive relationships with staff and students and has impacted our school in a positive manner.

Southwest Valley continues to strive to provide the best learning environments for all of our students.  We have the best faculty in southwest Iowa and continue to put the best people in the best positions to provide our students positive and unique learning opportunities.  We continue to look at our programming and test scores so we can improve and continue to be an asset for our communities.

On behalf of both school boards and the faculty, we want to wish you all a Happy New Year!

Go Timberwolves!

©2025 Southwest Valley Schools