Superintendent's Message for July 2022

The business for the school continues on long after the last bell for dismissal for the summer break.  Our hardworking custodians clean every room, hallway, and many other areas to ensure our students and staff are greeted with nice clean buildings when they return in the fall.  Our business managers begin the fiscal year-end process and I continue to work on reports for the state and federal levels. 

Our citizen committee has met several times with architects about the proposed bond referendum in Corning for our east side campuses.  They have been touring our facilities and reviewing what areas we need to consider for renovation or new construction.  These meetings are always open to the public.  Our next meeting is on July 12 at 6:00 p.m. at the elementary school. 

We are also working on updating the high school auditorium with new curtains and sound panels to enrich the sound for our musicals and plays.  We are planning on finishing that project before school starts.  We have replaced the concrete in front of our agricultural building on the north side and in front of the north door leading into the high school.  The bids we received in late June for the activity center to replace the boiler were way over budget.  The board decided to re-bid the project in November with plans to complete the project next summer.      

In Villisca, we have been patiently waiting for our playground equipment to arrive.  Once it comes, we will have it installed and have a nice new handicap-accessible playground.  We had new doors installed at the middle school and new windows in the elementary school.  Both buildings are looking fantastic. 

 I encourage you to follow our Facebook page and follow along with all the great things happening at Southwest Valley Schools!  Have a great rest of the summer!

©2025 Southwest Valley Schools